

Intensive roof greenery substrate: for medium and high maintenance treadable roof cover, including lawns, bushes and trees, minimum depth 15 cm.


Extensive roof greenery substrate: for low maintenance non-treadable roof cover, such as different varieties of sedum and perennials , ninimum depth 8 cm.


large pot mix: a mixture composed of volcanic minerals with variable granulometry and added microbial flora, suitable for repotting plants in pots with a diameter of 14 and up , for flower boxesfor transplantating large ornamental plants, into the ground, for soiless vegetation, and for improving the structure and content of macro and trace elements in soils intended for planting grass or orchards , vineyards and forest trees. This substrate is definitely also the most suitable for roof gardens and green roofs , having a granumetric curve that is also in line with Germans parameters .


small pot mix: mixture composed of volcanic minerals with variable granulometry, suitable for potting plants in pots with a diameter of less than 14 cm , for reproducing ornamental and non ornamental plants from cutting and for laying beds for roll-out lawns.


Lawn mix: mineral substrate containing 100% volcanic minerals mixed using a continuous sieving system.


Vulcaplant lawn seed mix: a mixture of volcanic particles and added microbial flora,suitable for planting lawns in all situations , substrate for intensive roof, gardens and play grounds.


Mix vulcaplant for horticulture and soilless culture : a mixture of volcanic particles and added microbial flora suitable for planting seedlings and cuttings (also for horticulture and floriculture).


Universal repotting mix: for nursery transplantings of plantsin pots with a diameter 14 cm and up , including large trees in clods.